Sunday, 25 March 2012

Prep 3 - Prep 6: L'Arche de Noé

This is a song all about the story of Noah's Ark (l'Arche de Noé) Listen and read the words of the song. how many animals can you spot?

D'abord avancez les girafes
Et puis les vaches et les chevaux
Les crocodiles et les corbeaux
Les souris, les hippopotames
Et les chimpanzés
Rangez-les moi bien dans le ventre
De l'Arche de Noé

Les hommes nous ont gonflé la tête
Avec les guerres et la misère
Et la bêtise, alors on a décidé le déluge
Mais les animaux n'y étaient pour rien
Et c'est pour ça qu'on a fait
L'Arche de Noé

Alors rentrez les hyènes et les serpents
Les autruches, les pies, les dindes et les faisans
Les zèbres, les chèvres, les perroquets
Rangez-les moi bien dans le ventre
De l'Arche de Noé

Les tigres, les aigles, les buffles, les lièvres
Les mouches et les chameaux
Les éléphants, les tortues, les escargots, les marsupiaux
Les chiens, les chats, les puces, les tiques
Les ours et les blaireaux
Rangez-les moi bien dans le ventre
De l'Arche de Noé

Et tous les autres
Qui n'avaient pas pu rentrer
Regardaient la pluie
Qui commençait à tomber
Ils étaient des milliers
Devant la porte fermée
Pendant que la mer emportait
L'Arche de Noé

Nursery, Reception: Voici ma main

This is a lovely simple finger rhyme for little ones. I will be trying this out with Nursery and Reception!

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Prep 3 - Prep 6: Va-t'en grand monstre vert!

This is the a video of the book "Va-t'en grand monstre vert!" by Ed Emberley. Those of you in Prep 5 and Prep 6 coming in for Saturday's Open Day at school might get to design and talk about your own monster!

Nursery - Prep 6: Lapins!

 Do you recognise this Easter film from its French trailer?

Prep 3 - Prep 6: Joyeuses Pâques!

Have a look at this video to see how this Parisian pâtissier makes hand made chocolate eggs at Easter time. How many times does he say the word chocolat?


This next video explains why chocolate eggs have come to be associated with Easter. How much can you understand?

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Prep 3 - Prep 6: Les Jeux Olympiques

Jeux olympiques

Prep 4 will be doing these sporty worksheets whilst I am away this week!
View more presentations from Bonnie Rafferty.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Prep 3: Jacques et le haricot magique

Do you recognise the story?

Prep 3 - Prep 6: C'est l'Halloween

In what order does the witch put the vegetables into the soup?
des tomates
un chou vert
trois carottes

Now watch this Halloween video. Can you work out what the following words mean?
un fantôme =
la lune =
une chauve-souris =
une sorcière =
un tigre =
un serpent =

Prep 3 - Prep 6: Quelle heure est-il?

Watch this video with dancing skeletons. Can you tell the time in French?

Prep 4 - Prep 5: Au café

Watch this video about a visit to a café. What does the man order? Can you say the items he orders in French? Can you work out what the last thing that he orders is?

Prep 4 - Prep 6: Adjectifs

What is an adjective? How many French adjectives can you understand in this video?

Prep 5, Prep 6: Les pouces en avant!

Prep 6 do you remember doing this dance as a warm-up for the assault course at the Château last year? Prep 5 get ready!

Reception - Prep 6: Les Poissons

Watch the video. What do the animal words below mean?
Un poisson =
Un oiseau =
Un escargot =
Un lapin =
Can you say the following sounds in French?

Form 2 - Prep 6: Les Vêtements

Practise some clothes vocabulary with Toto!
Can you remember the words for the seasons?
Which one below is spring? Which is summer? Which is autumn and which is winter?

l'hiver =
l'été =
le printemps =
l'automne =

Prep 3 - Prep 6: Les Parties du Corps

How many of the body parts in the song did you remember? Did you learn any new ones? How do you say bones and muscles?

Prep 3 - Prep 6: Les Jours de la Semaine

A song all about the days of the week!

Prep 3 - Prep 6: Les fruits

Lots of good fruit vocabulary for the older ones in this fruity alphabet song!

Nursery - Prep 3: J'aime les fruits

Which fruits are mentioned in this fruity song? Can you say them all in French?

Reception - Prep 6: Le transport et les couleurs

Another colours song. Prep 5 and Prep 6, can you tell from the colour words which type of transport is masculine and which is feminine?

Prep 3 - Prep 6: Les Couleurs

A very silly catchy colours song!

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Prep 4 - Prep 6: Ce qu'on mange

Have a go at this exercise testing your knowledge of French food words. How many can you get right?

Form 1 - Prep 6: Peppa Cochon à la plage

Can you work out what these words mean?

la plage =
le sable =
le seau =
la pelle =
la crème solaire =
le château de sable =
le parasol =
la serviette =
le ballon =
le soleil =
le chapeau =

Prep 3 - Prep 6: Qu'est-ce qu'on mange?

Do you know the French for all the foods that are mentioned in the song?

Prep 3 - Prep 6: Les fruits Oasis

Watch this French juice advert. Which fruits are mentioned in the song?

Prep 3 - Prep 6: Sounds

Watch this video. What sound are they practising? What 3 words do they make with that sound?

Nursery - Form 1: Bonjour!

Bonjour! How many times do you hear the word Bonjour! in this song?

Form 1 - Prep 6: Les fruits

This nursery rhyme has four fruits in it and one is the odd one out? Watch and find out which is the odd one out! Can you understand why?

Form 2: Il pleut!

Form 2 will be learning how to talk about the weather in French this week and I will be showing them this video! Quel temps fait-Il?

Reception - Form 2: Les chiffres

Revise your numbers from 1-10!

Form 1 - Prep 6: Les jours de la semaine

Revise the days of the week with this song. Can you spell all the days correctly?

Prep 3 - Prep 6: Les animaux du zoo

How many animals can you find in the wordsearch? There are twelve altogether. I will give a prize to anyone who comes to me with a list of all twelve animals!

Prep 5, Prep 6: Les animaux

We haven't revised animals for a while. Why don't you have a go at this animal exercise. If there are some animals you haven't met before, use this online dictionary to look them up and broaden your vocabulary.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Prep 3 - Prep 6: À l'école

Watch this French video all about a day at a French primary school. What times are mentioned? What lessons do the children do during the day? What differences did you spot between the French school and your school?

Friday, 9 March 2012

Form 1 - Prep 6

Have a go at this exercise - can you label all the colours?

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Prep 6: Practise Classroom Objects

Have a go at the quiz below to practise your classroom objects in French for tomorrow's test!

Study Classroom Objects | Word Dynamo