Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Prep 5: En route!

Get some last minute number practice before we go to France by working your way through these activities!
Why don't you check here to see what the weather will be like for our trip?
And don't forget to learn your lines!

Prep 6: Descriptions

Prep 6, after you get back from Wales you will be practising how to describe yourself, your friends and your family. Why don't you get a head-start by working your way through these activities. You could even print out the activity sheets and I will mark them after half term!

Prep 4: Les animaux

Listen to this song Prep 4! How much of it can you understand? It is full of animals and adjectives.
Then try and match the words to the pictures on this exercise!
You could even print out the song and learn it.

Form 1, Form 2, Prep 3, Prep 4: Les animaux et les couleurs

Try this exercise for practising animals and colours. Can you paint the animals correctly? Then listen and match the animals in this activity.

Form 2: Les Prepositions

After half term we will be learning how to say where something is. Watch this video to get a sneak preview of some of the new words we will be learning!

Nursery, Reception: Un, deux, trois

Listen to this song all about picking cherries. How many cherries do they pick? Can you recognise all the numbers in French?

Prep 3, Prep 4: Grand et petit

Can you remember what grand and petit mean? Try this exercise to practise them. Why do grand and petit sometimes have an e on the end?

Nursery, Reception, Form 1: Tête, épaules, genoux et pieds

Watch these two singing Tête, épaules, genoux et pieds. They sing a different version from us, but they are very good at singing it fast!

Form 1: Les animaux domestiques

We will be learning some words for pets after half term. See how many of the ones in this exercise you already know! Then watch this and try this!

Form 1, Form 2: Les Transports

Have a look at these types of transport and listen to the words. Which do you recognise? How many can you remember? We will be revising some of them after half term.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Café de l'École

Prep 6 held their final Café de l'École on Wednesday. As always, they worked brilliantly as a team, taking turns greeting the younger pupils at the door and serving pains au chocolat, croissants, limonade and orangina. Their language skills have really improved and I was proud of how nicely they helped the younger ones with their French. Well done for being such good role models!

Take a look at the slideshow of pictures on the right. It was lovely to be joined by Reception this time!

Monday, 2 May 2011

Reception, Form 1, Form 2: Les Animaux du Zoo

Can you help the zoo keeper count the baby animals? Watch and see how much you can understand. Don't forget to join in with the counting!

Prep 4: Saint-Saëns - Le Carnaval des Animaux

We will be listening to some of Le Carnaval des Animaux by  a French composer called Saint-Saëns this week. Your job will be to guess which animal each piece of music represents. This video, made by Walt Disney in 1999, features flamingos (des flamants roses!) dancing to the finale of Le Carnaval des Animaux. I hope you enjoy it!

Prep 5: Les Trois Petits Cochons!

Prep 5 I've decided what you can do for the spectacle final at the Château! This is a clue...

Prep 3: Les Quatre Amis

We are reading the story of Les Quatre Amis in Prep 3 this half term. Why don't you watch this video which tells exactly the same story? How much can you understand?

Form 2: Les Animaux

Form 2 can you match the animal names in this exercise to the right picture?

Prep 6: Spellings for 4th May

Here are your spellings for this week:

Comment t'appelles-tu?
Je m'appelle...
Quel âge as-tu?
Où habites-tu?
J'habite à...
Au revoir!

This exercise will help you remember how to ask and answer your name.
This one will help you ask and answer how old you are.
This one will help you remember how to ask and answer where you live.

Good luck!